The Microtia and Atresia Clinic at Vanderbilt Medical Center is a center of excellence for Microtia and Atresia treatment. We are also an international destination for patients seeking personalized advanced care for hearing loss. The Microtia and Atresia Clinic offers monthly appointments for families wanting to learn more about Microtia and Atresia and the options that are currently offered through the medical center. The Microtia and Atresia clinic was developed by Dr. Ron Eavey (a Harvard graduate) after years of his dedication to research on Microtia and on soft tissue repair for the outer ear.

The clinic offers all options to patients with microtia and atresia, including rib graft surgery and Medpor and OmniPore surgery, preformed ear molds, canalplasty/atresia repair (including CAM), ear prosthesis, Baha/BAHS implantation surgery and hearing loss education, craniofacial surgery and mandibular jaw repair. Surgeries for children will take place at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.
Patients to the Microtia and Atresia clinic can be seen directly by clinic doctors. No referral appointments are needed from pediatric ENTs, audiologists, or medical doctors when scheduling an appointment with the Microtia and Atresia clinic. The doctors at the Microtia and Atresia clinic are also available for Skype calls (please schedule through the clinic). When visiting the clinic, please bring a recent CT scan with you if you already have one. Otherwise, the clinic can schedule an appointment for a CT scan. The clinic also provides patients with a patient care coordinator. The care coordinator serves as a dedicated contact and advocate, guiding patients through their personalized treatment and recovery.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center prides itself on being able to offer state of the art equipment and technology for a variety of surgical techniques and options. Our medical center offers in-house 3D printing for complex surgical cases that help customize the placement and projection of custom made frameworks needed for facial plastic surgery including hemifacial microsomia, Treacher-Collins Syndrome or Goldenhar Syndome. We partner with MatrixSurgical and other companies to produce 3D printed PPE implants that are customized for each patient using the data found in the CT scan of the shape of their opposite ear. Also, as of April of 2019, a new state of the art fast speed (386 slice), a very low radiation dose, Siemens Force CT scanner will become a new addition to Children’s Hospital Radiology, offering the safest in scanning technology for children.
The Microtia and Atresia Clinic at Vanderbilt Medical Center is a team of specialized medical professionals including:
- Ron Eavey, M.D., S.M. – Department Chairman and Pediatric Otolaryngologist (soft tissue Microtia repair and Rib Graft surgery).
- Scott Stephan, M.D., FCPS – Facial and Reconstructive Surgeon (Medpor surgery, Rib Graft surgery, and CAM [atresia w/Medpor]).
- Marc Bennett, M.D. – Otologist/Neurotologist (hearing restoration including atresia repair, CAM (atresia w/Medpor) and hearing device implantation).
- Margaret McRedmond, Au.D. and Brandy Stephens, Au.D. – Audiologists (research, hearing loss testing and education about helpful hearing device options).
- Scott Fiscus, B.A. – Anaplastologist and Ocularist (prosthetic ear placement).
To make an appointment, e-mail us at: MicrotiaAtresiaClinic@VUMC.org or call ph: 615-343-6166.