The following are videos from our annual Microtia and Atresia conference. Presentations are about Microtia and Atresia, the soft tissue reconstruction option, genetics about Microtia and Atresia, Medpor/Omnipore porous polyethylene ear implants, Atresia repair and bone anchored hearing aid implantation, CAM combined Atresia Microtia surgery, before and after surgery tips for Microtia and Atresia, Audiology and hearing device insurance and the ear prosthesis option.
Microtia and Atresia Genetics
Dr Ron Eavey discusses microtia and aural atresia, the process of rib grafts, ear and jaw reconstruction, soft tissue reconstruction, cryptotia, research on growing cartilage in the shape of an ear, and what we know about possible environmental and genetic causes of microtia and atresia. He discusses a twin study with 31 sets of identical and fraternal twins with microtia which indicates a complex (not traditional recessive or dominant) genetic influence (published in the New England Journal of Medicine), and the genes he and other researchers have found, which form the ensemble of genes that create microtia under certain circumstances.
Audiology and Insurance
Dr. Brandy A. Stephens, AuD, CCC-A, a doctor of audiology with Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Hearing and Speech department, discusses hearing loss, hearing devices, and insurance. She talks about the importance of early amplification, back-up devices, daily listening checks, hearing protection, and hearing services like speech and language therapy or monitoring; as well as signs that a child may be having difficulty hearing, especially in noise. Regarding insurance, she discusses BAI L codes, warranties, and planning for replacements and repairs.
Atresia Repair and BAI
Dr. Alejandro Rivas Campo discusses aural atresia repair and Bone-Anchored hearing aid Implantation (BAI). He explains normal ear anatomy and how it is altered with microtia and atresia, including Treacher Collins (mandibulofacial dysostosis), Nager Syndrome (acrofacial dysostosis), Cruzoun’s Craniofacial Dysostosis, Goldenhar’s Syndrome, and Hemifacial Microsomia. He also explores considerations of surgery and what makes a patient a suitable candidate for atresia repair.
Combined Atresia and Microtia (CAM)
Drs. Scott Stephan and Alejandro Rivas Campo discuss candidates for, considerations of, and pros and cons for, Combined Atresia and Microtia (CAM) surgery.
Ear Prosthesis
Ocularist and Anaplastologist Scott Fiscus discusses advantages and disadvantages of prosthetic ears.
Porous Polyethylene Implants (Medpor/Omnipore)
Dr. Scott Stephan discusses porous polyethylene implants and their use in microtia and atresia surgeries, and considerations and potential complications in porous polyethylene implant surgeries.
Pre- and Post-op Surgery Tips
Drs. Scott Stephan and Alejandro Rivas Campo discuss practical issues for Microtia and Atresia pre-op and post-op surgery: when to start, what to expect, developing a treatment plan, maintenance and recovery, time off from school, and how the ear changes over time.