Preformed ear molds or an ear expander can be an option for expanding the outer ear during the infant months or soon after birth to help extend or expand the existing ear tissue in hopes of shaping a larger outer ear. A patient must be a candidate for this option and the patient will typically have Grade I Microtia where the ear is fully formed, just smaller in size. Patients may also be a candidate if the outer ear is slightly malformed or the pinna needs to be elongated. Again, this is an option that can only be considered during the very early months following the birth of your child.
Vanderbilt’s Microtia and Atresia clinic offer two non-surgical solutions for helping expand the outer ear when the ear is slightly smaller in size or folded over or when the outer ear has more projection than expected.
These options are:

1. EarBuddies™ – offers babies a simple, affordable and surgery-free option to correct the shape of the outer ear or projection of the outer ear during the first months of infancy. EarBuddies are designed to be fitted at home by parents and are also used in some of the most eminent children’s hospitals worldwide Including the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. By treating babies early on prior to considering surgical options, EarBuddies can provide successful results in addition to helping avoid bullying and psychological trauma from having an ear malformation.

2. EarWell® – offers babies outer ear correction within the first six weeks of life when a mild ear malformation is present. Due to the softness of the baby’s ear cartilage, EarWell correctable molds can help reshape or elongate the outer ear, making the ear larger and closer in size to the other existing biological ear. EarWell molds are delicate enough to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers and does not irritate your baby’s skin. It is recommended that EarWell ear molds be used before eight weeks of age for best results.

Extended outer ear using a preformed ear mold/expander:
To make an appointment, e-mail us at: MicrotiaAtresiaClinic@VUMC.org or call ph: 615-343-6166.