National Microtia Awareness Day is dedicated to spreading awareness, knowledge and hope about microtia. The purpose is to educate the public about microtia and provide support to the families who in some way may have been affected by microtia.
Microtia is a congenital birth defect of the ears. It occurs when the outer ear does not fully develop during the first trimester of pregnancy or when the outer ear is absent also known as anotia. Microtia is often accompanied by atresia, which is hearing loss due to the absence or closure of the external auditory ear canal.
National Microtia Awareness Day was established in 2016 by Melissa Tumblin, who also founded Ear Community in 2010. Melissa founded Ear Community to provide information, support and resources for all of those affected by these conditions.
Vanderbilt Microtia-Atresia clinic takes place the fourth Monday of each month. This is a multi-disciplinary clinic. Each provider consults with the patient and their family regarding their area of sub-specialty and provide them with a comprehensive, personalized consultation on each area of microtia-atresia.
Facts about Microtia:
- Microtia and Atresia occurs in 1 out of every 5,000 births, but can be affected regionally.
- Approximately 500 babies are born with Microtia and Atresia in the United States each year.
- Ears are 85% fully grown by six years of age.
- The right ear is more commonly affected by Microtia.
- Microtia and Atresia typically occurs more often in males.
- Microtia and Atresia is more common in the Asian, Native American, Ecuadorian, and Latino/Hispanic ethnicities, but is least commonly found in African Americans.
- Microtia and Atresia can occur independently on its own or it can be associated with other syndromes such as Treacher Collins, Nager Syndrome, Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome, and Goldenhar Syndrome.
- Microtia and Atresia can an affect either the left or right ear (unilaterally) or both ears (bilaterally).
- For most patients, Microtia seems to be “idiopathic.” Therefore, we do not know at this time what causes the condition.

Today is National Microtia Awareness Day!! So proud of our son Mateo! He was born with his baby ear and was brave to have ear reconstruction surgery! You are a true blessing!! #ProudParents #LoveBug 🙏🏼🦻💙 Thank you for giving him his beautiful big ear!!! – Karla Garcia

Happy national Microtia awareness day!
Sadie is celebrating in blue sharing love to all she sees. Sadie made a special glow night to light up awareness for kids all around the world. There’s not enough words for all you all have done for our girl. Anyone who meets or knows Sadie they leave with a smile. Sadie never hesitates to reach out to someone who needs a hug or stray animals who need a warm touch. She loves all and tells everyone her Microtia life and all about ear surgery. She is full of kindness and we’ve experienced so much kindness from all of you
Sending more pictures of Sadies happy life full of adventures and smiles.
Thank you all again! – Ellie Scott